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Monday, December 19, 2011

Grocery Store Odds and Ends. Mostly Odds.

So apparently Tuna Fish is a category unto itself. Weird. Seriously though, this is the Upper East Side. Is the economy so bad that one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the freakin country apparently has a demand for canned tuna so great that it necessitates it's own aisle sign?

What the hell is a chicken masquerading as a Three Musketeer wannabe doing on the front of a bacon package? I know what you're thinking, it's probably turkey bacon. Wrong! It's bacon bacon. The deception knows no end.

Geez, cover those things up, will you? This is a family establishment for crying out loud. And let me give you some advice: those things aren't gonna be all perky forever, you know. You better get an education and have a back up plan--one that doesn't involve a pole.

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