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Monday, December 19, 2011

The Apple Store Has Come to Grand Central Station

And as it is written, "The fourth quarter may appeareth at first shakey as you still mourn the loss of your leader, but on the morning of the 9th day in the month of December, a light will shine on the house of Job." Apple 5:14

Grocery Store Odds and Ends. Mostly Odds.

So apparently Tuna Fish is a category unto itself. Weird. Seriously though, this is the Upper East Side. Is the economy so bad that one of the wealthiest neighborhoods in the freakin country apparently has a demand for canned tuna so great that it necessitates it's own aisle sign?

What the hell is a chicken masquerading as a Three Musketeer wannabe doing on the front of a bacon package? I know what you're thinking, it's probably turkey bacon. Wrong! It's bacon bacon. The deception knows no end.

Geez, cover those things up, will you? This is a family establishment for crying out loud. And let me give you some advice: those things aren't gonna be all perky forever, you know. You better get an education and have a back up plan--one that doesn't involve a pole.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Moment of Inspiration

If I’m gonna be a statistic, let me be an anomaly
That’s the only way to break free
From this cycle of poverty
That we collectively perpetuate
We gotta make the expectation great
Let’s regenerate educate eradicate
These ossified structures
That are made to keep the poor sedate